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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mom's cauliflower stew - different versions

We all have our favorite versions, but this one is the simplest I know. I don't think I can make it like Mom did but I'd like to someday. Or die in the pursuit. LOL.

The ingredients are fairly easy to assemble: butter (you may also use ghee or mild-tasting cooking oil or a mix of both), cumin seeds or panch phoron, bay leaves, ginger paste, and some minced ginger for added crunch. You may also add green peas, green chilies, and cilantro for garnish. Ground black pepper is optional. Since we don't use many spices in this recipe, make sure the produce is fresh.

  1.  Heat oil in a wok or pressure pan. (Mom used a pressure pan for faster cooking. I slow cook it in a wok.) Temper with bay leaves and panch phoron or cumin seeds.
  2.  Fry the cauliflower florets and diced potatoes. Slow roast uncovered until partially cooked and the veggies have softed. Add salt to taste, (If you want a healthier version, you can simply pressure cook everything)
  3. Add ginger paste, stir. Add boiled water for gravy. Cook uncovered. Add cilantro and green chilies for garnish. Some like to add ground black pepper for added flavor.

Tip: Add the ginger later to avoid it turning bitter in heat. Always use boiling water for gravy.

I loved this dish in winters, where cauliflower was readily available in Agartala. Now, I can have it all year round if I want to.

Another recipe with cauliflower is Cauliflower Roast. I steam the floret firsts and make the sauce separately with yogurt, loads of cinnamon powder and other preferred freshly ground spices. Basic garam masala or bhaja masala are some good options.

You can make it on the stovetop or bake it in the oven for a healthier version. Green peas and tomatoes make great additions to the merry party.

Another simple and satisfying way to enjoy a cauliflower is to pan-roast it with nigella seeds, cracked pepper, slit green chilis, potatoes, and green peas. You can add pearl onions too.

Or roast whole cauliflower in an oven with a dry spice rub of your choice.

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